Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie - Waterdeel (WTD)
Kleinste functioneel onafhankelijk stukje water met gelijkblijvende, homogene eigenschappen en relaties dat er binnen het objecttype Water van NEN 3610 wordt onderscheiden en dat permanent met water bedekt is.
Keywords: | waterdeel, beek, bron, gracht, greppel/droge sloot, haven, kanaal, meer, plas, rivier, sloot, ven, vijver, water, waterloop, watervlakte, zee |
Last updated: | 2025-01-23 |
Geographic extent (CRS84): | -1.657292, 48.040502, 12.431727, 56.110590 |
Temporal extent (ISO-8601): | 1970-01-01 / .. |
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GeoJSON is an open and widely accepted format for feature data and the first choice for many (web) applications. However, it formally only supports the WGS84 projection. JSON-FG is an extension of GeoJSON and does offer official support for other projections. Since JSON-FG is a recent development, from a compatibility point of view GeoJSON is also offered in other projections for the time being.