TOP10NL is een digitaal objectgericht kaartbestand wat ten grondslag ligt aan de topografische kaart 1:10000 en wat veelvuldig in diverse GIS- en CAD-systemen wordt gebruikt voor ondergrond, analyse-, en beheers- en planningsactiviteiten.
Keywords | basisregistratie topografie, BRT, TOP10NL, kadaster, topografie, topografische kaart, vector tiles |
License | CC BY 4.0 |
Support | PDOK Support |
Metadata for OGC API Features | View at Nationaal Georegister |
Metadata for OGC API Tiles | View at Nationaal Georegister |
Metadata for dataset | View at Nationaal Georegister |
Dataset-aanbieder |
Kadaster (BRT) |
Updatefrequentie |
Jaarlijks |
Dienstverlening | |
Kosten afname |
Geen |
Authenticatie |
Geen |
OpenAPI specification
The specification in OpenAPI v3 format describes the OGC API in such a way that both humans and computers can explore the API's options. It shows both in- and output options, and helps to quickly generate a first working API call with the desired result. The page is available in both HTML and JSON.
View as JSONConformance
The conformance describes which OGC standards this API implements. The page is available in both HTML and JSON.
View as JSONCollections
This API offers one or more collections that divide the dataset in various object types, which can be called separately through for instance features or tiles. The page is available in both HTML and JSON.
View as JSON